Rabu, 17 April 2019

Moto X Tattoo Designs

Moto x users in the u.s. can pick up a pack of 10 tattoos—about one month's supply—for $9.99. but don't expect to mix and match; at launch, all digital tattoos come in the vortex design only.. The designs are exclusively for the moto x style pure edition and will be available to purchase in the moto maker store on december 3. if you choose one of the special backs for your 32gb moto x. Vivalnk digital tattoo unlocks moto x phone a nickel-sized digital tattoo that unlocks one’s mobile moto x with a simple touch of the phone to the adhesive design. the digital tattoo is worn.

No fumbling, just tap, say moto x tattoo all-stars (w/ video) by nancy owano , tech xplore. A tiny wearable smartphone accessory that can help you quickly unlock the moto x and other 2013 moto droid handsets? and started selling a temporary digital tattoo that can be worn on the user. The moto x digital 'tattoo': for when entering your passcode is just too hard 23 july 2014. by tara donnelly classic and ‘signature’ designs and will set you back

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